英语单词学习 confidence怎么读_confidence中文翻译_confidence用法



  • 速记技巧
  • 【记】con+fid+ence
  • confidence : 谐音记忆,要努力抗击(con)非典(fid),不要等死(dence)。

    • 常用短语

    1. motion of no confidence:不信任动议;不信任投票

    2. Confidence limit:[统计]置信界限;置信极限;可信限

    3. in confidence:推心置腹地;信任;私下地

    4. confidence man:骗子;诈取他人财物者;自信的男人

    5. Confidence Coefficient:[统计]置信系数;信赖系数; [统计]置信度;可靠系数

    6. Build up your confidence:建立你的自信;建立你的自信心;重拾你的心情;重拾你的信心

    7. investor confidence:投资信心;投资者信任

    8. confidence interval:置信区间,可靠区间

    9. in confidence:秘密地

    10. business confidence:经营信心,商业信心

    11. build confidence:树立信心

    12. degree of confidence:可信度,置信度;信赖度

    13. crisis of confidence:信任危机

    14. vote of confidence:信任票;赞同;支持

    15. consumer confidence index:消费者信心指数

    16. level of confidence:信心程度;置信水平

    17. confidence limit:置信界限;置信限度

    18. vote of no confidence:不信任投票

    19. confidence probability:置信概率,信赖机率

    20. confidence trick:骗局;欺诈

    21. give one's confidence to:信任,信赖

    22. investor confidence:投资信心;投资者信任

    23. confidence interval:置信区间,可靠区间

    24. in confidence:秘密地

    25. business confidence:经营信心,商业信心

    26. build confidence:树立信心

    27. degree of confidence:可信度,置信度;信赖度

    28. crisis of confidence:信任危机

    29. vote of confidence:信任票;赞同;支持

    30. consumer confidence index:消费者信心指数

    31. level of confidence:信心程度;置信水平

    32. confidence limit:置信界限;置信限度

    33. vote of no confidence:不信任投票

    34. confidence probability:置信概率,信赖机率

    35. confidence trick:骗局;欺诈

    36. give one's confidence to:信任,信赖

    • 双语例句
  • 用作名词(n.)
    1. The servant enjoyed his master's confidence.
    2. We have full confidence that we shall succeed.
    3. The worst barrier to your success is not lack of money, but lack of confidence.
    4. The two girls told each other confidences about their boyfriends.




